Product News May 20 -7
The Proactive team says hello again. And now let us proceed ahead and see the popular components that will be discussed on this blog today.
Part number 101066-000 is a contact probe manufactured by IDI Interconnect Devices. IDI is one of the world’s foremost innovators in the area of interconnect solutions and offers the advanced spring contact probe technology. The use of spring probe technology in IDI connectors improves reliability and efficiency of performance as compared to other conventional technologies used in probes. Probes are devices that are used for testing bare boards, loaded PCBs and testing of other components.
Part number 101066-002 is a Pogo Pin connector manufactured by IDI (Interconnect Devices Inc). The pogo pin makes a connection between 2 printed circuit boards (PCBs). This is possible because the structure of the pogo pin comprises of a thin cylinder that contains 2 sharp spring loaded pins. These pins establish contact with the two PCBS on either side, thus establishing a connection between them. The unique specification of part number 101066-002 is that it is a ‘Jet Pen Iris’ Pogo Pin connector.
Part number 101066-1 is an hour meter, which keeps track of the time a device is used for and is thus helpful in scheduling regular maintenance. Part number 101066-1 is a panel mounted model and has 2 terminals. This hour meter has a squarish body with identical length and width – 0.516 inches. It comes in a metal case and is provided with hermetic protection. The white numerals stand out against the black background color, making it easier to read the markings.
Part number 101066002 is an electronic component available with Proactive Components Inc. If your inventory is running low on this particular component, you know exactly where to turn.
Part number 10106617 is an electrical connector cover. As the name suggests, these components are intended to provide mechanical protection to the connectors as well as prevent dust and other contamination. The electrical connector covers are available in 2 parts – the cover which fits over the electrical part of the connector and the base which fits over the locking part.
Proactive Components Inc has built a reputation over the last 15 years as a true friend to manufacturers. Manufacturers in industrial, military, aviation and the medical devices niche know that they can confidently turn to us for their hard-to-find parts and components. Our large inventory and commitment to serve our customers ensure that we never let you down.