Product News June 6-1
Welcome back to this blog and thanks for checking in everyday. We promise to delight you with new parts and components from our inventory every single day. So let us move towards the parts for today.
Part number 15-1345308-021 is a digital microcircuit manufactured by American Microsemiconductor. This company is one of the most comprehensive manufacturers of semiconductor components to meet industry needs. The product portfolio of American Microsemiconductors includes transistors, diodes, SCRs and several other semiconductor related components.
A closely related component, again from the American Microsemiconductors stable is part number 15-1345308-021dkb. Proactive Components, Inc. has adequate stocks of both components to comfortably meet your supply requirements. Send us a request for quote for either one or both parts to know the details of pricing.
One could almost say that the company has been deceptively named American Microsemiconductors. The fact is there is nothing really ‘micro’ about the company. Having been in existence for close three and a half decades, American Microsemiconductors has been consistently serving the needs of the semiconductor industry with high tech products and solutions, often customized to meet the requirements of specific applications.
Proactive Components, Inc. is proud to be one of the leading suppliers of American Microsemiconductors components for manufacturers. American Microsemiconductors integrated circuit part number 15-1345309-021dkb is one of our best selling components. We thank all our customers for their support. And we will be happy to assist you in your quest for components from this company and from several other leading electronics manufacturers.
General Dynamics C4 Systems Inc, the leading developer of communication and information systems and products is the company behind two crucial integrated circuits – part number 15-1345309 and part number 15-1345310-021. Of course both these components are available at Proactive Components, Inc.
The specifications of part number 15-1345309 are that it delivers a transistor/transistor output logic form and has a ceramic inclosure material. The circuit packaging is Dual Inline and it meets military specification D-1 MIL-M-38510.
Both part number 15-1345309 and part number 15-1345310-021 come under the Federal Supply Group 59 that includes electrical and electronic equipment components. And both have the Federal Supply Code 5962, which refers to electronic microcircuits.
Part number 15-1345314-011 is also an integrated circuit used for general applications; Proactive Components, Inc. maintains adequate inventory levels of this component.
A single manufacturing schedule may require thousands of components. Proactive Components, Inc. is where you will get all of those components under one roof.