Product News May 20-5
We know you are eagerly awaiting the product news for today. So we won’t keep you waiting any longer. Let us get to know the Proactive Components’ featured parts for today.
Part number 10106358C is a transistor manufactured by STC Technology. Transistors or semiconductor devices form the core of modern electronics and are a part of day-to-day life, though many people don’t even realize it. Some of the most common applications of transistors include watches, computers, notebooks and tablets, pacemakers, in aviation and the list simply goes on. Essentially transistors work by switching on and amplifying electronic signals and electrical power.
Part number 10106360 is an electrical heat sink, which serves as a cooling device. When current is passing through an electrical circuit, the various circuit components like semiconductors, resistors, coils, dioides etc emit some heat, which can damage the device. Heat sinks facilitate cooling by increasing the surface area in contact with the cooling medium, which is most often the surrounding air and dissipates the excess heat, cooling down the system. Specifications of part number 10106360 are 2.75 inches length, 2.5 inches width and an overall height of 0.984 inches. The electrical heat sinks are composed of copper alloy and have an oxide treated surface.
Part number 101063771 and part number 101063851 are electronic components with applications in general industry as well as in the aviation and aerospace niche. Both components are available with Proactive Inc and both are RoHS compliant. The RoHS directive restricts the concentration of certain hazardous materials such as lead, cadmium, mercury and others in electrical and electronic equipments. Only components with mercury concentration less than 100ppm can qualify as RoHS compliant. However some military and medical equipment are exempt from the RoHS compliance.
Part number 1010647 is an embedded software platform developed and marketed by Rabbit Semiconductors for web download. Rabbit Semiconductors, one of the fastest growing electronics companies, has a range of products including console servers, cameras and sensors USB and many more besides software platforms. Part number 1010647 is not RoHS compliant as it contains lead. Rabbit Semiconductors has now been taken over by Digi International.
Proactive Components Inc has large inventory of various components and parts for various applications. But don’t worry, you will never have the feeling of looking for a needle in the haystack when you are with us. We have put together a comprehensive ‘how to order’ guide. Refer to it and ordering will be a breeze.